Editors Choice

Employee of the Month - Lillianna Traver

November 30, 2008


Lillianna Traver


Gen Nishino

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Playboy: So you’re Johnny Law?

Lillianna: Yes, I guess. I’m a sheriff.

Playboy: Take us through a normal shift.

Lillianna: Well, no two shifts are the same. I might be babysitting inmates, saving cats ou ...

Playboy: Do you find the work rewarding?

Lillianna: Ha! Inmates spitting on you is not rewarding, but the way I see it, there are two types of people in the world: those who complain about life and those willing to do something about it. I go to sleep every night knowing I played the game and didn’t sit on the sidelines. I’m happy with who I am when I look in the mirror each day. That is rewarding.

Playboy: We can see what you mean. What do you think is your best physical feature?

Lillianna: I’ve been told I have amazing doe eyes, even though they’re probably not what people notice first—I mean, come on, who doesn’t like boobies?

Playboy: On the job, does the bulletproof vest hide the girls?

Lillianna: Well, I call mine the boys, and yes, my uniform does me no justice. No pun intended.

Playboy: What’s more thrilling: shooting a gun or having sex?

Lillianna: Shooting a gun is sexy. But if you think shooting is better than sex, you may be doing it wrong.

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