Playboy Muses

J'Tia Taylor

J'Tia Taylor


Urbana IL USA


5' 8"

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The age-old question of which is more important—brawn, brains and beauty was answered during the 28th season of Survivor: Cagayan—Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty. One contestant, who was eliminated early on, stood out from the Brains tribe –and not only because during a fit of anger she threw her group’s rice in the fire. Long-legged, all-natural J’Tia Taylor confused audiences when they saw she was part of the Brains tribe instead of Beauty, but she proved beauty and brains can coexist. The accomplished African-American stunner has a doctorate degree in nuclear engineering and has also studied plasma and radiological engineering. “I feel that I am intelligent, secure in myself and attractive,” explains slim J’Tia. “I believe men are interested in seeing women like that in Playboy.” Men were completely interested in seeing the self-proclaimed nerd and wanted much more of her. If our Cybergirl of the Week for February 23, 2004 wasn’t impressive enough, black-haired Miss Taylor also mentors young adults in science and engineering.


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