
Carina Persson

Carina Persson


Stockholm Sweden


5' 2"

Playmate of the month

August 1983

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Carina Persson is an all-natural brunette from Stockholm, Sweden, but that isn’t where she could be found these days. Most recently, Carina has been to New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii and has finally landed in Colorado—her new home. “I see, when I travel, how people live and whether or not they are happy with the way they live. It's another way of learning for me. I want to translate books. I think that would help people. If I could help people read more good books,” says Miss Persson. The pint-sized traveler of the world may only be 5’3”, but with her mighty spirit and outgoing attitude makes her seem ten feet tall. “I think that people are sometimes too dependent on society. There may be times when you need to take care of yourself, and it's a good feeling to know that you're able to,” explains Carina. Our Miss August 1983 enjoys exploring different cultures and nations, all the while searching for the meaning of life and a sense of purpose. As our nomadic Playmate who speaks English as a second language, Carina has the world at her fingertips and she hopes her message translates properly. “People aren’t as sexually liberated in Sweden as you think they are,” says the busty Swede. “They do have a lot of fun. And maybe it’s not so strange there to have more than one man. And maybe people don’t care so much if they have clothes on or not.” And speaking of lack of clothing, Carina not only enjoys discovering the world, but she loves to explore her body. “I like to experiment with sex, to feel my way along in finding out what the other person likes and to show him what I like,” explains our Miss August 1983. “For instance, I usually like sex in the evening, but my boyfriends have usually liked it in the morning. So we often compromise and make love in the middle of the day.” That’s one compromise every Playboy fan would love to make, especially with a beauty like Carina Persson.


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