
Cathy Larmouth

Cathy Larmouth


Torrance California USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

June 1981

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Meet our voluptuous Playmate of the Month, Cathy Larmouth from Torrance, California. “Don’t you think 27 is too old to be a Playmate?” Cathy asked us upon learning she’s our Miss June 1981. How could we ever believe such nonsense? Cathy is a tall brunette with exotic English, French and Mohawk features, making her a beauty extra unique. When you have an all-natural and voluptuous figure like hers, who cares about age? “You don’t find it too old? Well, how about titling my pictorial ‘an oldie but goody’? No? Well, anyway, I think my age is an advantage,” finally says Miss Larmouth. “On the one hand, I’ve led a fairly sheltered life, so I haven’t been hardened. On the other hand, I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I guess you could say I’m a combination of innocence and experience.” Unlike many who spent their lives sheltered, Cathy isn’t quiet or demur—in fact, she’s the exact opposite. The loud and opinionated model knows her points of view don’t always fall in line with masses, but she doesn’t care. Her opinions are her own and she isn’t looking to garner any new friends so why should she be silenced? “I'm not against E.R.A. (Equal Right Amendment), but the fact is that men are very different from women. For instance, a lot of women may hate my guts for saying this, but I think women are more emotional than men. I don't think blurring the sex roles makes any sense. Pretty soon, you'll be calling your grandmother your grandperson. That's not my style.” She’s been called liberal, unliberated, old-fashioned, modern and detrimental to the feminist movement and even, a feminist at times. No matter how confusing she may seem to some, Cathy will always strive to be the best –and she isn’t afraid to get a little dirty to do it. “Unfortunately, until I was about 20, that's what I looked like: a comic character. I was 5'8" when I was 15 and I weighed about 96 pounds, about ten of which were breasts. I had a low-cut dress with a push-up bra that I wore to school sometimes,” explains our Miss June 1981. “Once, in my math class (which I wasn't doing so well at), my teacher, who was a man, stopped beside my desk and whispered, ‘If you wear that dress to my class twice a week, I'll give you an A.’ Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I did and he did. Isn't that awful?” Cathy lets out a devious laugh and pauses for a moment to think about her math teacher. “However, one can't just go through life being led by one's chest. At the end of my life, I'd much rather look back and see that I'd been a good wife and mother than that I'd been a model. But, I need the right man to give me the feeling of protection I need. Once I've found him, I don't care if I never have another modeling job,” says our Playmate of the Month. Whether she’s a lifelong model, an activist, a mother or a wife, Cathy Larmouth will always be an opinionated firecracker first and foremost.


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