Playboy Muses

Emily Bloom

Emily Bloom


Kiev Ukraine


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

June 2016

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From the Ukraine with love comes the seductive Emily Bloom. Now based in Los Angeles, all-natural Emily has taken the modeling and acting industries by storm—thin and toned, with pale skin and waist-length brown hair, she’s a fairy-tale beauty come wonderfully to life. “Ukraine is a very beautiful country, but politically it’s not that great, so I always wanted to travel,” she explains. “I wanted to find the place where I’d fit in, and so far, I’m very happy with my choice. I came to the United States to get my master’s degree in acting, and I love living in Los Angeles.” Though Emily is already quite an accomplished model, she’d always wanted to pose for Playboy Plus, and her performance doesn’t disappoint—relying on her training as an actress, Miss Bloom put on one of the most seductive shows we’ve seen in recent memory. “If you’re a model, Playboy is a sign that you’ve made it and your career is acknowledged,” says Emily. “I’m very happy and excited to be here!”


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