Playboy Muses

Erica Campbell

Erica Campbell


Deerfield NH USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

October 2006

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Erica Campbell has many titles to her name, but says this one is special – our Cybergirl of the Month for October 2006 is making a comeback. All-natural Erica spent six months on mandatory bed rest after she had broken her tibia and fibula. “All I can say is wow! This is the first photo shoot that I've done since I broke my leg,” says dark-haired Erica. “But, I felt really comfortable and had a lot of fun shooting these photos.” The CGOM and Special Editions' Model of the Year 2005 is still taken aback by the love and support she’s received from fans throughout this difficult period in her life. “It's the best feeling in the world to work so hard at something that you love, and then be recognized and rewarded for that," says Miss Campbell. “I dedicate this month and these pictorials to my wonderful and loyal fans.” The one group of loyal fans that blue-eyed Erica cannot wait to get back to is her animals. “I can honestly say that there's no place in the world I'd rather be than at home on my farm with all my animals," says Miss Campbell. “My farm is a real dream come true for me!” Our dream come true is having you back in our Playboy pictorials, Erica.


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