

Dartford Kent England


5' 2"

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Most men find Kara irresistible. Half English, half Armenian, with long, dark hair, Kara—that’s pronounced car-ah—was raised in Antigua before settling in Kent, England. “It was amazing,” she says, her voice characteristically smooth and breathy. “It’s my favorite place in the world!” New to the modeling scene, Kara has posed for a handful of British publications, but she had her sights set on posing for Playboy. With one look at Kara’s portfolio, we were glad to oblige. “Being featured on Playboy Plus is one of the ultimate achievements in my eye,” she says. “I’ve only been doing this for six months, but in a short amount of time, I’ve achieved quite a lot!” Kara cites her butt as her favorite part of her body—or, to borrow the English word, her bum—and she likes to have sex on Mondays and Wednesdays, because it keeps her happy throughout the week. “My sexual preferences depend on the day,” she says, giggling. “Sometimes you want it nice and slow, and other times you want a good seeing-to!” When it comes to men, Kara has a bit of a foot fetish. “I kid you not, I look for a guy with nice ankles,” she says. “I love going to Essex, because everyone wears boat shoes and rolled-up trousers!”


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