
Katerina Bila

Katerina Bila
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Get to know the International Playmate, Katerina Bila, most known as Miss April 2023 for Playboy Germany. “I would say I am adventurous and courageous. I’m able to face challenges and seize opportunities,” she smiles. This shoot was just that for Katerina. “The photoshoot for Playboy is also one of the opportunities I took, and I’m very glad it was offered to me! After all, Playboy is iconic.” Originally from the Czech Republic, Katerina loves to travel and visit other countries. “I currently work as a part-time mode to save for my travels,” she shares. “Traveling is one of my passions. [I want to go to] Iceland, Siberia, and South America— these are at the top of my list!” Another passion of Katerina’s is film. “My goal is to study cinematography in Prague and then work in the industry,” she says. “I would love to work in production or as a documentarian. I not only like to be in front of the camera but also behind it!” Check out her popular feature here on Playboy Plus.


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