
Kimberly Donley

Kimberly Donley


Aurora Illinois USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

March 1993

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You’re in good hands with Playmate Kimberly Donley. Tall and slim, with blonde hair all the way down to her behind, Kimberly started out in the insurance industry, but one long, boring seminar on liabilities convinced her to take a chance at a modeling career. “I said to myself, ‘What am I doing?’” remembers Kimberly. “I was going to die of boredom in the insurance world.” A native of Aurora, Kimberly competed in the Miss Illinois beauty pageant as Miss Montgomery, and though she didn’t take first place, she did get the attention of the modeling world at large. It wasn’t long before Playboy came calling, and she was named Miss March 1993. In October of the same year, she appeared grinning on the cover with TV star Jerry Seinfeld. “I laugh a lot,” concedes Kimberly. “Maybe I should take my life more seriously!” An accomplished fencer, Kimberly posed with her sabre and lamé for Playboy’s cameras, and the resulting photos had us en garde. When she’s not modeling, Kimberly likes to get away from it all – she owns a home in Arizona’s Painted Desert, and she divides her time between there and Los Angeles. “There’s peace of mind in Arizona,” she says, “but I come to LA to relax, if you can believe it. All my friends are back in Phoenix, and the phone is constantly ringing.” Kimberly is a woman of her own tastes, and she knows what she likes and doesn’t like – she hates gum-chewing and dirty fingernails, for example, and loves having her back tickled by a pair of expert hands. Post-Playmate, she plans to continue her education and travel, all the while on the hunt for her perfect man. “I don’t see myself as the voluptuous Playmate type,” insists Kimberly, “but I think I have a lot of beauty within me. I’m wild about wishes being granted, dreams coming true and fantasies becoming realities!”


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