Playboy Muses

Kristin Vye Cardenas

Kristin Vye Cardenas


Houston TX USA


5' 4"

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Kristin Vye Cardenas is a good girl –but she has a lot of bad girl tendencies. “The good girl in me loves children, which is why my first degree is in early childhood education,” says the Houston, TX native. “The bad girl in me loves sex first thing in the morning.” Miss Cardenas has long, light brown, curly hair –but sometimes you would swear she had a halo and a mini set of horns. “By the way, women love morning sex just as much as men do. And if you don't know what you're doing, ask your girl for pointers,” advices our busty Cybergirl of the Week for June 26, 2006. “I love waking up from a sensual dream with my body screaming to be touched and then being fulfilled. I also love a powerful and confident man or woman,” Brown-eyed Kristin knows what she wants, when she wants it and how. Is it us or did it just get steamy in here?


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