
Linda Forsythe

Linda Forsythe


Jersey City New Jersey USA


5' 2"

Playmate of the month

February 1970

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Playmate Linda Forsythe is an opinionated woman who has a stern message for hippies—grow up. “I'm no flower child and I have little sympathy for the hippies and none for the revolutionaries,” says Linda. “Sure, my generation is dissatisfied; and we're more aware, perhaps, than our parents were at our age.” The all-natural brunette from Weehawken, New Jersey wasn’t raised to be a quiet woman who sits idly by while injustice takes place, but she believes problems should be fought from the inside and not with violence and anarchy. “Those in a position to change the course of this country are more likely to listen to a well-reasoned approach from young people who aren't wrecking property or tying up traffic and campuses with protests that often turn out to be violent. The kids making all this noise are children, and if the world gets into their hands now, they'll destroy it. Drastic changes—if they're to be constructive—take time; it can't happen all at once,” says the petite Jersey girl who hopes to become a social worker. “I'm not always happy with the status quo, but I'm not about to drop out or start marching in the streets. I'm still a kid, too, and I have too much to learn.” Linda was a student in the Garden State when it donned on her that her achieving her degree in social work could only be done in New York City, meaning our Playmate of the Month would have to move to Manhattan. “The courses I need are available at New York University, which has an excellent graduate school in this field,” explains our Miss February 1970. “I feel very strongly about doing social work, especially with children. Even though I hope to have my own someday, I'd like to adopt a child, too. There are so many kids who have no one; this world's going to end up in their hands, eventually, and it's up to us to help them. Meantime, I'm going to work and study—and play. So many people don't seem to know how to enjoy life. Maybe I don't, either, but I'm sure having all kinds of fun trying.” Fun, for Linda, includes everything from dancing, having dinner by candlelight to representing Hudson County, NJ in the finals of the Miss Teenage America beauty contest. “I came in second,” recalls our busty Miss February 1970. “So I didn’t make it to the nationals, but that’s okay. I wouldn't change anything. I'm happy as I am.” The only thing she would change, however, is calling Manhattan home—Linda longs to be back in Jersey where her family her resides. “My father is a research physicist, he has a brilliant mind, and it's fascinating to watch him work. My mother is a former schoolteacher. I have two older sisters, too,” proudly states Linda. “It was great growing up right next door to New York City because Manhattan is the most exciting place to be; it's ideal for single people. But, you couldn't give me enough money to live there the rest of my life. I'm too spoiled by the quietness—and cleanness—of home.” New Jersey will always be the love of Linda Forsythe’s life.


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