
Liz Glazowski

Liz Glazowski


Zakopane Poland


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

April 1980

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“A lot of people think they know me,” admits Playmate Liz Glazowski. “Nobody knows me. You can know certain sides of a person, but you can never know someone totally—even someone very close—unless you really work at it. I don’t even know myself as well as I’d like to.” To get to know our Miss April 1980, the first piece of information fans will need in their arsenal is that this all-natural beauty is from Zakopane, Poland, but she grew up in Chicago. The Windy City was just where we found Liz during our cross country search for our 25th Anniversary Playmate who said she only auditioned on a whim. “I'm impulsive,” laughs the busty brunette as her blue eyes sparkle. “I heard about the Great Playmate Hunt, thought I'd make a good Playmate and went to the Mansion for an interview.” We couldn’t agree more and quickly made her our Miss April 1980, but that doesn’t mean the title and newfound fame has changed Liz—she’s still as blunt as ever. “I'd never take Communion from a woman. Nuns who want to be priests should leave the Church,” admits our deeply religious Playmate who also has controversial views about priests getting married. “If it's okay with the Pope, it's okay with me. But, I've never met a priest I was particularly attracted to.” Even though outspoken Miss Glazowski practices Catholicism, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t believe in sex before marriage—in fact, she’s a big proponent for it. “Sex comes in three varieties: making love with the one you love, pure lust and making babies. I can tell you all about the first two,” winks Liz. “I think Catholics are probably more guilt-ridden about sex than other people, but I’m not. I didn’t know how I felt for a long time. Being away from home—from my family—gave me the time I needed to think about myself. I was able to resolve the problem and stay a Catholic. I still go to Mass.” The Polish-American model has her morals, her convictions, and her savoir by her side, but she also has a sexual appetite that needs to be satisfied. “Sex is healthy. It doesn’t have to be with someone I’m madly in love with—what’s love, anyway? How do you know if you love somebody? I’ve thought I’ve been in love many times, but obviously I haven’t met the right person; that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy going to bed with someone,” explains Liz. “People always say men take advantage of women. Women take advantage of men, too.” Liz Glazowski can take advantage of us anytime she likes.


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