
Nicole Marie Lenz

Nicole Marie Lenz


Cleveland Ohio USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

March 2000

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From deep in the heart of Cuyahoga County comes our Miss March 2000, Nicole Marie Lenz. All natural, with chestnut-brown hair and full, soft lips, Nicole hails from Cleveland, Ohio, and she’s got more than her fair share of hometown pride. “When people in Los Angeles hear where I’m from, they look at me and go, ‘How could that happen?’ I laugh.” Living in Cleveland, Nicole was getting her hands dirty at her father’s contracting firm, laying tile and hanging drywall with the best of them – and on a whim, she decided to head to LA and try out for our Playmate Search. “I’d only been modeling a year, and I never thought I was good enough to pursue it as a career,” she admits. “Playboy has given me a lot of confidence!” With one look at that sweet face and body, we made Nicole our Miss March – but she’s modest, and credits her success to our inaugural Playmate of the Month. “I have pictures of Marilyn Monroe all over my room,” admits Nicole. “”I’ve seen all of her movies! Modeling is my passion, but if Paris and Milan don’t call, I’ll settle for a film career.” One thing is for sure – she’s so photogenic, the camera could never get tired of the gorgeous Miss Lenz.


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