Playboy Muses

Robin Bain

Robin Bain


Los Angeles CA USA


5' 4"

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Meet our Cybergirl of the Week for October 7, 2002. Robin Bain may not be a name most executives in Hollywood are familiar with, but that is going to change. The voluptuous brunette currently works as a freelance writer and a commercial script writer. Having voiced characters on Seth Green’s Robot Chicken and appearing on Real Time with Bill Maher allowed Miss Bain to see the multiple facets of entertainment. Blue-eyed Robin is now ready to make the transition from writing and acting into directing. The California girl has written and directed an indie short film called Paper Doll and screened it at the SMMASH Film Festival, a Midwestern film festival. Her film was not only a hit, but it also won her the award for Best Short at the festival. Remember the name Robin Bain—you’ll be hearing much more.


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