Playboy Muses

Rochelle Loewen

Rochelle Loewen


Redondo CA USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

June 2004

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Rochelle Loewen’s blue eyes and black hair are enough to distract any mere mortal, and she knows it. Miss Loewen would use her striking beauty as a way to distract her opponents when she was a diva for WWE’s Smackdown!. Even though Cybergirl of the Month for June 2004 knows how to wrestle and pin down whomever she likes, she insists she’s still a sensitive lady at heart. “The best word to describe me would be bubbly,” says Rochelle. “I’m full of energy and fun-loving.” Rochelle would love to be able to run her own cosmetic empire in the future, but she knows her path in life isn’t completely up to her. “I believe in fate and destiny,” says Rochelle. “Everything happens for a reason.” Destiny seems to be generous towards our CGOM, and Rochelle can be the most generous woman around –especially in the bedroom. With a body that could compete with her favorite animated character Jessica Rabbit, Miss Loewen knows how to make any man melt. “My sexiest outfit is when I wear nothing but a smile,” she teases. No man could resist that invitation.


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