
Vicki lynn Lasseter

Vicki lynn Lasseter


Iola Kansas USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

February 1981

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A common misconception about our beautiful Playmates is that they’re women who cannot seem to keep their clothes on—and with bodies like theirs, why should they? In reality, however, our Playmates are hard working women, most of whom had to face adversity before earning their Playmate status. Take our Miss February 1981 for instant. Vicki Lynn Lasseter grew up in Haltom City, TX where she wasn’t interested in the rodeo or cowboys, but she was interested in getting herself into heaps of trouble. “You see, I was a very rebellious kid. I dropped out of high school when I was 15 and married when I was 16. Those were two mistakes,” admits the tall brunette. “Then my father died. I got divorced, cleaned up my act and went back to school. I haven't looked back since then.” Vicki’s interest in psychology peaked during this transformative period in her life. She found her despair fading as she learned about the mind and how emotions impact our lives. Her newfound fascination led her to enrolling at the University of Texas in Austin where she majored in psychology. “Before that, I was pretty wild. I hung around with some really rotten kids, a real bad crowd, but when Dad died, it jolted me out of the kind of life I was headed into,” recalls Vicki. “I suddenly wanted to learn more.” Education doesn’t only come from textbooks and classrooms—Vicki has learned a lot about herself and life through her experiences. “I want to do as much as possible. I know my Playboy work isn't going to last forever and I want to take advantage of all of it while I've got it,” explains our Playmate. “It's going to be tough for me to keep my family and friends in Haltom City happy with my being gone so much, but I think we can pull it together. I really want to travel. I haven't seen much of America.” Our Miss February 1981 may be coming to a town near you.


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